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Intersolar Europe

by RES | Feb 05, 2024 | Lesezeit: < 1 min

Intersolar Europe will take place from June 19–21, 2024 as part of the innovation hub The smarter E Europe, Europe’s largest alliance of exhibitions for the energy industry, at the Messe München.

The conference themes include markets, technologies and financing of PV projects. In addition to the market development in Europe, each year the focus is on individual markets. Another focus is on large-scale PV power plants, especially with regard to agri-PV and Floating PV.

We’re bringing our RES Lounge to this three-day solar conference which brings together manufacturers, suppliers, distributors, service providers, and project planners and developers from around the world. We would love to see you there. If you’re going stop by our stand and have a coffee. If you would like to book in a specific meeting time please contact your RES representative.

Event date: 18 – 19 June (conference) and 19 – 21 June (exhibition)

Location: Munich, Germany

Event website: https://www.intersolar.de/home

Unlock the potential of your solar assets

Visit the RES Lounge (Stand A4 555) to find out more about you can leverage digital solutions to enhance solar farm yield by up to 20% and streamline diagnostics.

Arun Narayanan, our CEO of Digital Solutions and Mehdi Zohouri, our Head of Sales Digital Solutions will showcase some of our latest solutions.

  • Wednesday 19 June – 10:00 and 15:00
  • Thursday 20 June – 10:00 and 15:00

Learn more about how our proprietary data loggers and your existing software tools can unleash your operational data and how you can automate the optimisation cycle by integrating insights with your control systems. By using full-spectrum data and advanced analytical methods, you gain access to actionable insights for your technicians.

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