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Rattlesnake Ridge Wind Farm fully commissioned and supplying energy to Alberta’s grid

RES and BHE Canada are proud to announce that the Rattlesnake Ridge Wind Farm is now commercially operational and supplying low-cost, renewable energy to Alberta’s grid.
The 26-turbine wind farm is located southwest of Medicine Hat and is the company’s first in Canada. It will provide Alberta consumers with 130 megawatts of energy, enough to power the equivalent of 78,000 homes.
The wind farm is privately financed by BHE Canada through a combination of equity and debt, requiring no government subsidies or tax incentives to support its operation.
“This is an exciting milestone for us, and for Alberta’s energy industry, with new grid-scale wind generation constructed and operating without government subsidies,” said Ed Rihn, President and CEO of BHE Canada. “We’re proud to facilitate a more sustainable energy future for Albertans and look forward to more investment opportunities in Alberta and across Canada.”
BHE Canada signed power purchase agreements with four Canadian corporate partners, providing them with environmental attributes to meet their environmental targets and offset existing carbon production.
Construction began in 2020 with Renewable Energy Systems (RES) providing construction services. RES has extensive experience in building large-scale renewable energy projects around the world. An estimated 150 jobs were provided to local Alberta contractors and suppliers during peak construction.
“The Rattlesnake Wind project is our 20th major renewable construction project in Canada, and we are pleased to see this project achieve commercial operation,” said Liam Duffy, RES General Manager of Construction, Canada. “The addition of this facility showcases our commitment to the construction of wind energy and brings RES closer to fulfilling our vision of a future where everyone has access to affordable zero carbon energy.”